Reference: SWT025
This sweet roll is prepared from good quallity cashewnuts and chocolates.Kaju Choco Roll is a Rich, Delicious, Hyginically prepared and is a perfect choice to your dears to make them Happier on Birthdays, Festivals and on all Occasion.
I have to tell you that your Kaju Choco Roll was a big hit during my daughter’s birthday party both among the adults and the children. Each roll was shaped perfectly and came in a neatly packed box without distorting their shapes. We just had to open the box and display them on a plate. My daughter was very happy too as all her friends liked them and asked for more making her day so special in all respects.
My son craves for chocolates and denies having any other kind of sweet. I have even made sweets using chocolates at home and tried feeding him but he never tasted them. When I was complaining this to my husband, he said he would solve this problem and had the Kaju Choco Roll delivered in his name at our house. Our son was very delighted to open the box and found the sweets fascinating as they had chocolate filling. From then on, he pesters us to buy this sweet. We are grateful to OYC for this change.